Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 27 (of 27)

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Some other pieces from my permanent galleries that are based
on recording the colours and tones of sunlit scenes:


From Gallery 1:

(After clicking on a thumbnail image or title link
to view that piece from the permanent galleries,
use the browser back button to return to this page).

Creek at West Beach   Creek at West Beach
Tamarisks, Almost Sunset   Tamarisks, Almost Sunset
Tamarisks, Late Afternoon   Tamarisks, Late Afternoon
Towards the Hills   Towards the Hills
West Beach in the Morning   West Beach in the Morning
Cliffs of Witton Bluff   Cliffs of Witton Bluff


From Gallery 2:

Moseley Square, Glenelg, S.A.   Moseley Square, Glenelg, S.A.
Backpackers’ Building, Glenelg   Backpackers’ Building, Glenelg
Our Big Tree in the Sun   Our Big Tree in the Sun
Weeping Myrtle 2   Weeping Myrtle 2
River Red Gum, Late Afternoon   River Red Gum, Late Afternoon
Temple of Zeus, Athens   Temple of Zeus, Athens
On the Shore of Lake Albert, near the the Town of Meningie   On the Shore of Lake Albert, near the the Town of Meningie
Cliffs At Hallett Cove Conservation Park   Cliffs At Hallett Cove Conservation Park
Tree In Riesling Park   Tree In Riesling Park
Small Tree in Ferguson Conservation Park   Small Tree in Ferguson Conservation Park


From Gallery 3:

Inside the Black, with the Warm Smell of Fermentation   Inside the Black, with the Warm Smell of Fermentation
  Under A Sunlit Canopy in Angas Gardens


From Gallery 4:

Across the Sea, After Sunset   Across the Sea, After Sunset
Front Yard in the Sun   Front Yard in the Sun
Moseley Square, Morning   Moseley Square, Morning
Sunlit Banks   Sunlit Banks
Sparkling Sea   Sparkling Sea


End of this display.

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Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 27 (of 27)

Gallery 4