Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1

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13. Moseley Square, Morning

Moseley Square, Morning
19 cm (w) x 27.5 cm (h), pastels on acid-free coloured-ground ‘Canson’ paper.
Date produced: 1988 - 1992

In Glenelg I lived in a flat on top of a pizza restaurant in Jetty road, down near the beach (about 3 shops further to the right). This was a very colourful and interesting place to live. While I was living in Glenelg, the Pier Hotel (next door) was demolished and made way for the noisy construction of the Grand Hotel (shown here behind the row of colourful shops). The big reason for me moving to Glenelg was to undertake a four-year Art Teaching degree course at the Underdale campus of The University of South Australia (UniSA). I had been living at Christies Beach, which is quite a trip away from Underdale.

While living in Glenelg, I felt a further maturing of my painting skills, further maturing of my conceptual expression, and further crystallisation of my main themes. It was a nice time in my life - I learnt a lot of things about people, about the nature of teaching, about myself, about the world of art, and I enjoyed the interactions with colleagues and staff.

I hope this piece gives a sense of the area in which I lived. You will have to imagine the extra smells of the area, such as pizza, barbequed yiros, beer, and hot waffles.




Larger Image:

Moseley Square, Morning





Detail 1:

Moseley Square, Morning - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Moseley Square, Morning - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Moseley Square, Morning - Detail 3





Detail 4:

Moseley Square, Morning - Detail 4





Detail 5:

Moseley Square, Morning - Detail 5


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Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1