Gallery 1 - Paintings and Drawings 1

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16. Towards the Hills

Towards the Hills
84 cm (w) x 61 cm (h), oil paints on linen canvas.
Date produced: While living at West Beach, after my first exhibition (1984-1986)

I enjoy open areas of wild grasses, wild flowers and birds, especially in the sun with free breezes - lovely freedom and life, everywhere.

I produced this painting “en plein air” between about 2 pm and 3 pm in the afternoon, over a period of about one and a half months in early Spring. The colours in the painting are a little dark (I have corrected the reproduction a little), because the canvas was in full sunlight when I painted it. I have since learnt to keep my canvases (while working on them) in the shade, for better control of tones for the expression of bright sunlight.




Detail 1:

Towards the Hills - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Towards the Hills - Detail 2


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Gallery 1 - Paintings and Drawings 1