Gallery 4 - Vic-20 Graphics - page 5 (of 17)

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Halftone Patterns

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

I looked at producing a series of black and white halftone patterns that would give a reasonable compromise between resolution and the number of tone levels. I tried 2 x 4 patterns (9 tone levels including solid white and solid black), 3 x 6 patterns (19 tone levels including solid white and solid black), and 4 x 8 patterns (33 tone levels including solid white and solid black). I found the 3 x 6 patterns (as shown above) to provide the best compromise that also had interesting shapes.

Note that the patterns are staggered from one line to the next so that a proper halftone pattern is created.


Double-sized Version:





Scan-Trace of a Circle 1

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

I produced a number of interesting images where I 'scanned' the whole screen in lines from left to right, from the top of the screen to the bottom, over a range of mathematically defined shapes, etc. A tonal pattern is plotted, based on the level calculated from formulae. Here, each pixel is tested against some formulae for defining a sine curve across the outline of a circle.




Double-sized Version:

Interesting halftone shapes result from the calculated levels going around the circle.










Scan-Trace of a Circle 2

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

This image is similar to the previous one, but with a wider band from the Sine curve through the main circle, and a broad region near the centre of the circle where the level is rising.




Double-sized Version:





Scan-Trace of a Circle 3

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.




Double-sized Version:






Scan-Trace of a Circle 4

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

The level rises through a sine curve to its highest point, and is then cut by a 'hole'. Interesting geometry and mathematics are used.




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Scan-Trace of a Circle 5

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.





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Gallery 4 - Vic-20 Graphics - page 5 (of 17)