Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 4 (of 27)

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Soft Colours in the Sky

Soft Colours in the Sky
21.5 cm (w) x 14 cm (h), pastels on brown paper.

Produced on-site, from the stone wall along the Esplanade at the end of Rockingham Street, West Beach. This piece shows some of the subtlety that pastels can produce. The sky after sunset has many subtle colours, that change quite quickly as the Earth continues its 24-hour rotation (at this time of the day, rotating away from the sun). The whole sky is gradually getting darker. Yellows might turn more orange in nature, and purples might turn more blue.




Detail 1:

Soft Colours in the Sky - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Soft Colours in the Sky - Detail 2


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Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 4 (of 27)