Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 3 (of 27)

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Cloud Shapes at Sunset

Cloud Shapes at Sunset
52 cm (w) x 26.5 cm (h), pastels on brown paper.

Produced on-site, from the stone wall along the Esplanade at the end of Rockingham Street, West Beach.

Sunset is always a special time of the day, with many changing poetic relationships of colour. Using pastels allows me to record some of these types of quickly-changing scenes. I was particularly taken by the unusual silhouetted shapes of the clouds I saw (probably a distant storm system).




Detail 1:

Cloud Shapes at Sunset - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Cloud Shapes at Sunset - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Cloud Shapes at Sunset - Detail 3


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Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 3 (of 27)