Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1
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22. Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park

Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park
42 cm (w) x 29.5 cm (h), black biro on grey cardboard.
Date produced: 28th February 2002

Drawn on-site, in the full sun (I used grey cardboard to do the drawing on, because of the brightness of the sunlight on the drawing - drawing on white would have been blinding).

The stoney beach below these large land forms is a fabulous place to explore. There is no easy access to this beach, so it’s usually very quiet, in terms of other people. There are many rock pools amongst a wave cut rock platform that makes up much of the beach.




Detail 1:

Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park - Detail 3





Detail 4:

Cliff Forms from the Beach at Hallett Cove Conservation Park - Detail 4


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Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1
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