Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1

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18. Backyard Scene

Backyard Scene
38 cm (w) x 57 cm (h), conté and pastels on brown paper.

This was drawn on-site, directly from the scene in my backyard. With this drawing, I was experimenting with the use of a fixed under-drawing. Sanguine coloured conté was used to draw the scene. I’ve always found the sanguine conté to have a really nice feel for drawing - much smoother than the blacks or bistre varieties of conté, for some reason. After fixing this layer of drawing, I then wanted to work broadly and quickly with coloured pastels, to capture the essential colour within the scene.

This drawing radiates a nice energy and feeling. I have wanted to use a similar approach to drawing other subjects, but I am yet to duplicate the feel and simplicity of this drawing.




Larger Image:

Backyard Scene





Detail 1:

Backyard Scene - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Backyard Scene - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Backyard Scene - Detail 3





Detail 4:

Backyard Scene - Detail 4


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Gallery 4 - Other Drawings 1