Monthly Display - October 2023 - page 3 (of 11)

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Photograph 3:

These spectacular flowers were growing on some heavily pruned small trees in a local garden.





Photograph 3, detail 1:






Photograph 3, detail 2:

An amazing interlocking structure of layers of leaves, growing from the end of a branch.






Photograph 4:

A wild sweet-pea-type plant growing up a wire fence.





Photograph 4, detail 1:

Interesting arrangement of leaves in the sunlight along the small branches.





Photograph 4, detail 2:

Some of the tendrils have wrapped themselves well around the wire of the fence for a firm grip. Remember that plants don't have eyes like us, so they can't just have just this bit grow a little more to reach a support, etc.


Neil Huggett's Gallery | Home Page Menu | Main Monthly Page

Monthly Display - October 2023 - page 3 (of 11)