Monthly Display - March 2024

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Overview with Foliage as Felt Spheroids

Overview with Foliage as Felt Spheroids
73 cm (w) x 52 cm (h), charcoal on acid-free paper.
Date produced: June 2005

This was drawn entirely on-site. The foliage forms have been simplified and drawn in as spheroids. I am pleased with the sense of the whole canopy titling towards the right (the prevailing path of the sun across the sky), achieved with the repeated orientation of the grids on most spheroids. I think the sense of space between various spheroids works well, as does the impression of weight being balanced by the trunk and main boughs.

To finish this drawing, I added some tone in the sky and changed the grid in the sky used for the expression of its space.




Detail 1:

Overview with Foliage as Felt Spheroids - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Overview with Foliage as Felt Spheroids - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Overview with Foliage as Felt Spheroids - Detail 3


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Monthly Display - March 2024