Monthly Display - March 2025

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Monthly Display - March 2025:

Life Drawings

My accepted understanding of life drawing is “direct recording of the forms within ‘things’ that are either living (people, trees, etc.) or that have come from living things (such as fruit, vegetables, flowers)”.

Because I usually work outside recording directly from natural environments (“en plein air”), much of my drawing work could be considered to be ‘life drawing’.

However, for this month’s display, I wanted to initially focus on the more commonly accepted understanding of life drawing, being usually studies of human forms (including portraits or unclothed bodies). The first 15 pieces presented in this display are a selection of life drawings of human body forms. The remaining 5 pieces presented in this display are a selection of life drawings of tree forms.



In my early twenties, I would regularly travel to an organised life drawing studio for drawing sessions. I enjoyed the discipline aspect of this type of drawing - the human figure needs to be drawn extremely accurately, or it will look/feel malformed. We all judge human forms constantly in our daily lives, and so are highly critical of such images. As part of the challenge of striving to achieve accurate representations of human forms, after drawing many full figure compositions, and not having free access to set different poses or specific angles of view, I became increasingly interested in concentrating on subset sections of the body (such as a shoulder region, or one arm, or one leg, etc.), that I felt showed the best available region of interesting form and light within the views I had.

After drawing many human models, as well as drawing many tree trunk forms outside directly from real tree trunks, I discovered that many tree trunks have a ‘similar beauty’ within their organic forms, as human models. Tree trunks would also keep their ‘poses’ for years, and not require payment for being models. The environment for drawing trees is much more open, honest, dynamic, and personal than for drawing a human model within a group situation in a closed room. I could more easily choose the views I really wanted to draw, without having to worry about interfering with anybody else’s view, etc. Over the years, I have thus changed from regularly drawing the human figure to more regularly drawing tree trunk forms. That is why the final 5 pieces presented in this display are examples of life drawings of tree forms.

The pieces in this month’s display are presented in chronological order, so that the earliest drawings from this selection (dating back to 1974) are presented first, and the most recent work is presented last. More detailed images of each artwork in this display can be selected directly by clicking their thumbnail on this page, below.



Following are small images of twenty artworks.

Click on an image, or its title, to go to a page with better reproductions and more details about that artwork.

Once you are looking at artworks in more detail, you can use the ‘prev’ and ‘next’ links (at the top and bottom of each details page) to go to the previous or next artworks in the monthly display respectively, or return to this monthly display overview page.



My Right Arm
Dance Pose 1

1. My Right Arm

2. Dance Pose 1



The Shoulder
The Bridge

3. The Shoulder

4. The Bridge



Portrait of an Irish-Looking Woman
Studies of My Fingers

5. Portrait of an Irish-Looking Woman

6. Studies of My Fingers



My Right Hand
Nude 1

7. My Right Hand

8. Nude 1



Self Portrait in Biro
Life Drawings using ‘Felt’ lines

9. Self Portrait in Biro

10. Life Drawings using ‘Felt’ lines



A Sitting Woman, Drawn using ‘Felt’ lines
Reclining Nude

11. A Sitting Woman, Drawn using ‘Felt’ lines

12. Reclining Nude



Reclining Nude from the Back 1
Reclining Nude from the Back 2

13. Reclining Nude from the Back 1

14. Reclining Nude from the Back 2



Nude in Chair
Olive Tree Trunks on the Footpath

15. Nude in Chair

16. Olive Tree Trunks on the Footpath



Weeping Myrtle 7
Form and Space – The Sugar-Berry Tree

17. Weeping Myrtle 7

18. Form and Space – The Sugar-Berry Tree



Huge Gum Tree in the Botanic Gardens
Twin View of Poetic Tree

19. Huge Gum Tree in the Botanic Gardens

20. Twin View of Poetic Tree




List of past monthly displays

Neil Huggett's Gallery | Home Page Menu

Monthly Display - March 2025