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Life is a Constant Balance

Initially written while living at West Beach (c. 1983-1986)

Life is a constant balance...

Between animal, and intellect,

Between dreams, and realities,

Between excitement, and responsibility,

Between living for now, or living for the future,

Between living for the moment,

and considering the consequences of your actions,

Between reflecting, and doing,

Between emotion, and reason,

Between exploration, and security,

Between being an individual, and being one of a mating couple,

Between long-term goals, and instant gratification,

Between planning, and spontaneity,

Between giving, and taking,

Between being an individual, and being a part of a family,

Between being an individual, and being a part of any social group,

Between so many contrasting aspects of being alive.


Life is a constant balance...



Kinetic Abstract 392c (modification 7)

Kinetic Abstract 392c (modification 7)

800 pixels x 600 pixels, computer painting using my own ‘kinetic’ abstract program written in “Blitz Basic”, running on a 750 MHz PC.
Date produced: 6th October 2004




Kinetic Abstract 1005b

Kinetic Abstract 1005b

800 pixels x 600 pixels, computer painting using my own ‘kinetic’ abstract program written in “Blitz Basic”, running on a 750 MHz PC.
Date produced: 8th October 2004




Kinetic Abstract 918b

Kinetic Abstract 918b

800 pixels x 600 pixels, computer painting using my own ‘kinetic’ abstract program written in “Blitz Basic”, running on a 750 MHz PC.
Date produced: 21st October 2004


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