Gallery 4 - Vic-20 Graphics - page 9 (of 17)

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Scan-Trace of Circles 7

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

All of these images were produced by rendering pre-defined halftone patterns through programming. They are all based on scanning circles, and usually getting their tone values through sine wave definitions. It was reasonably easy to define a round hole in the middle.



Double-sized Version:






Scan-Trace of Circles 8

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.



Double-sized Version:





Scan-Trace of Circles 9

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.




Double-sized Version:






Scan-Trace of Circles 10

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

The levels here are determined from combining 3 sine-wave patterns - one from the top left-hand corner, one from the top right-hand corner, and the main one from just inside the middle of the bottom edge.



Double-sized Version:






Scan-Trace of Circles 12

320 x 352 pixels, produced using a Vic-20 computer.

The levels here are determined from combining 2 similar sine-wave patterns - one horizontally displaced from the other, to the point where the waves of the two patterns combine to cancel each other to grey.



Double-sized Version:


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Gallery 4 - Vic-20 Graphics - page 9 (of 17)