Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 6 (of 27)

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View from the Top Path

View from the Top Path
33 cm (w) x 24 cm (h), pastels on acid-free coloured-ground ‘Canson’ paper.

Drawn on-site, from the path along the top of Witton Bluff. This path winds its way around through gaps in small bushes and rock ledges up on the top lip of the bluff. When you stop, and can drop your concentration on having to follow the path safely, you notice interesting views of rugged forms, with the vast rich blue sea as an inspiring backdrop. I was always happy with the sense of space achieved in this pastel, looking out to the horizon in morning sunlight, over that vast blue sea.




Detail 1:

View from the Top Path - Detail 1





Detail 2:

View from the Top Path - Detail 2





Detail 3:

View from the Top Path - Detail 3





Detail 4:

View from the Top Path - Detail 4


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Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 6 (of 27)