Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 18 (of 27)

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Tamarisks with Distant View of Buildings

Tamarisks with Distant View of Buildings
37 cm (w) x 27.5 cm (h), conté and pastels on acid-free coloured-ground ‘Canson’ paper.
Date produced: 2000-2004 (while living at North Brighton)

Drawn on-site, from near the beach near home. The trees were ‘Tamarisk’ pines with fine, dry looking foliage. The areas of white were white painted tin roofs that looked extremely bright in reality.




Detail 1:

Tamarisks with Distant View of Buildings - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Tamarisks with Distant View of Buildings - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Tamarisks with Distant View of Buildings - Detail 3


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Colours and Tones of Sunlit Scenes - page 18 (of 27)