Gallery 4 - Music - Page 1 (of 6)

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Some Music Pieces

I wanted to present a few short pieces of music, that I've created over the years. Some are pieces that are reproductions of other people's music, and some are my own compositions.

Generally, these pieces were put together using a MIDI sequencer, and a MIDI sound output device (either a standalone Yamaha TG-33 MIDI sound module, or computer based MIDI sound engines). This selection of music pieces isn't necessarily a selection of the best pieces I have - it was put together to include my own compositions and pieces that use files that, as far as I can determine, are part of the public domain, such as some of the works of J. S. Bach.

Music represents an important part of most of our lives. It is an art form and entertainment that is highly accessible to many people. Certainly, it was a very important part of my father's life. My father loved a lot of classical music, was a keen organ player, and a keen MIDI music editor/producer. You can hear some of my father's recorded MIDI orchestral music on Page 6. I am sure I would have picked up a good part of my musical understanding from him.

What is music, though? Is it just a collection of sounds? There is something special that happens when words are sung, when an instrument is played, when a melody plays out. Music can give us enormous pleasure. Music can often take us to a different emotional state.

There is lovely music in so many bird calls and songs. I have read that scientists have raised the notion that some bird songs seem to be acting like drugs on potential mates, altering their emotional states. Perhaps the same happens in a similar way for us too.


So, what are some of my favourite music pieces?

Led Zeppelin: No Quarter (Live) from The Song Remains the Same album - fantastic rock jazz around the keyboard solo.

Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon album - especially Us and Them

Ross Edwards: Intermezzo Quasi Cadenza from his Manyanis Suite

John Lennon: Old Dirt Road, Imagine

George Harrison: Something, What Is Life?, If Not For You

Max Bruck: Violin Concerto No 1

Zipoli: Elevazione

Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto in G, Le Jardin Feerique, Le Tombeau de Couperin

Frederick Chopin: Nocturne No 20

Saint-Seans: Piano Concerto No 5 (“The Egyptian”)

Bee Gees: One, Still Waters

Elton John: Carla Etude and Chloe

Enya: Only time, Dreaming

Mark Isham: Sympathy and Acknowledgement, First flight, A Thing of Glory

Michael Walthius: Dandelion Girl, Crysta's Dream, White Mountain, Neptune Rising, Kinshasa

Randy Crawford: One Day I'll Fly Away

Carlos Santana: Europa, Samba

Roach, Braheny, Stearns: Desert Solitaire

Supertramp: Logical Song, Is It Mine, Take the Long Way Home

... and many, many more




The following pages in this display are:

Page 2: My Setups for Producing Music with my Computer

Page 3: Yamaha TG-33 Music based on other People's MIDI music files

Page 4: Virtual pipe organ Music based on other People's MIDI music files

Page 5: My own Music Compositions

Page 6: Orchestral Pieces, including amazing Tchaikovsky pieces


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Gallery 4 - Music - Page 1 (of 6)