Monthly Display - March 2024

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3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University

3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University
38.5 cm (w) x 55 cm (h), conté and pastels on acid-free coloured-ground ‘Canson’ paper.
Date produced: September 2000

Drawn on-site, from the foot-bridge that spans the pine forest at Flinders University. I saw this view regularly, because I worked nearby and would usually walk through the pine forest and along the foot-bridge during lunchtimes.

I was wanting to express the three main depths within this particular view - having tree forms up close, some more at a middle distance, and others still further behind. My plan was to use an exaggerated aerial perspective to try to express the space and air around the forms (with blues surrounding the forms), and to indicate relative closeness or distance (orange forms feeling closer, blue forms more distant). Grids were applied to the tree forms and ground forms, to help express the basic forms experienced.




Larger Image:

3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University





Detail 1:

3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University - Detail 1





Detail 2:

3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University - Detail 2





Preliminary drawing:

3 Main Depths in the Pine Forest at Flinders University - Preliminary drawing


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Monthly Display - March 2024