Monthly Display - January 2024 - Page 6 (of 7)

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Painted Abstract

91 cm x 61 cm, acrylic paint and charcoal on board.
Date produced: September 2016.

I had been producing a number of abstract images on my computer, using my own computer program for applying randomly positioned and sized shapes over the base shape. I was keen to produce some abstract images using paint, and some energetic movements. This painting was produced from several layers of working, done over several sessions. I starting by covering an 'unsuccessful' attempt at an abstract painting with a layer of white gesso. After that layer was dry, I quickly applied transparent layers of Burnt Sienna in randomly placed shapes. I rotated the image to respond to it just as a collection of shapes, lines, textures, movements, and colours, etc. I applied several layers, working with different colours and approaches.

This abstract painting was a pleasant image to produce, that used very different sensibilities to the paintings and pastels that I usually produce (that are based on trying to capture the colours and tones from real scenes). The general approach used in this abstract painting had a nice level of freedom in it, that seemed to balance many of the disciplines required for the paintings and pastels based on real scenes.




Detail 1:





Detail 2:





Detail 3:



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Monthly Display - January 2024 - Page 6 (of 7)