Hallett Cove Conservation Park - page 12 (of 14)

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Frozen Spray!

Digital photograph developed using Adobe's "Lightroom" software from a RAW file taken with a Sony A6000 digital camera.
Taken at Hallett Cove Conservation Park, 10th January 2017, 1:40 pm.

One of the really interesting things with photography is 'freezing' a thing that is moving, like a momentary spray of frothy water.



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Water flows smoothly over a rocky channel. The rocks generally have rounded forms, and an interesting surface seemingly made up of facets, or smaller rock pieces.






Orange Rocks

Digital photograph developed using Adobe's "Lightroom" software from a RAW file taken with an Olympus E-30 SLR digital camera.
Taken at Hallett Cove Conservation Park, 26th February 2015, 2:20 pm.

I wanted to include this photograph, taken with an Olympus E-30 SLR digital camera, as it is an image I was very happy to capture, and I haven't really captured something similar using my Sony A6000 camera.



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These rocks are covered in orange lichens.




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Hallett Cove Conservation Park - page 12 (of 14)