Gallery 3 - One Moreton Bay Fig Tree Project

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3. Colour Overview of the Tree Alone

Colour Overview of the Tree Alone
50 cm (w) x 35 cm (h), pastels on acid-free paper.

This was produced entirely on-site. This piece was originally started as a colour overview of the tree. The surrounding trees were not included, so that the tree was seen as the only subject. The colours were originally developed to closely match those seen from the tree. After revisiting the pastel, I felt that it didn’t really feel like it was reflecting the sense of sunlight that it should have been. I then set about trying to improve that sense of sunlight, by increasing the yellow and yellow-orange intensity, and then looking at the feeling of the whole image.




Detail 1:

Colour Overview of the Tree Alone - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Colour Overview of the Tree Alone - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Colour Overview of the Tree Alone - Detail 3





Detail 4:

Colour Overview of the Tree Alone - Detail 4


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Gallery 3 - One Moreton Bay Fig Tree Project