Flight - page 8 (of 15)

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Flight Photographs From One Trip To Sydney

An interesting view of the aircraft I was about to board at Adelaide Airport, with the auxiliary vehicles and other bits looking part of a large but well coordinated operation. I have flown many times between Adelaide and Sydney. I have taken many photos of the views seen on these flights using a variety of cameras. The photos rarely come out like I remember them, however. The windows are often not all that clean and usually add smears to the images recorded. The photos presented on this page, however were all taken during the one trip to Sydney from Adelaide (and back). Both of the aircraft used for this particular trip had clean windows where I was sitting. I also had my best digital camera with me – a Sony A6000 camera. I took all of the images as RAW digital files and processed the RAW files later, using special software, so getting the best quality digital photographs I have probably taken during similar flights. Raw files can be processed to get the best possible dynamic range and colour out of the resulting digital images, and can often extract a bit of extra detail out as well.

These are a small selection from the photographs taken.




Photograph No. 2

From a high altitude, the layers of clouds often look as though they are floating just above the ground.





Photograph No. 3

A small town, from the air. There are several mainly-straight main roads leading into the town, from other towns.





The wheat silos, on the left, look huge when seen in relation to the rest of the town.





Photograph No. 4

This photograph and the remaining photographs shown on this page were seen on the flight going back from Sydney. This photograph shows part of the Sydney suburban area, with major roads and railway lines, seen a short time after take-off to the west, starting to turn a little southwest. We actually flew out over Katoomba, in the Blue Mountains.





Photograph No. 5

Fabulous clouds above the undulating mountain forms of the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney. A lake can be seen near the middle of this photograph.










Photograph No. 6

Clouds forming a fairly dense blanket.





Photograph No. 7

High over a section of dry land, near the Murray River.










Photograph No. 8

We are now slowly losing altitude as we fly over some small townships in the Adelaide Hills.










Photograph No. 9

Passing the Adelaide Oval, the Memorial Drive tennis centre, North Adelaide Golf course, the Adelaide Festival Centre, the Adelaide Convention Centre, the Adelaide CBD, the Torrens Lake, the railway lines coming out from Adelaide Station (under the Convention Centre), the Torrens Lake Weir, the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, and the radial buildings of the old Adelaide Gaol, at an altitude of around 1,100 ft, on our way down to Adelaide Airport. What a fabulous view!




Detail 1:

I am very happy with these photographs.


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