Development of a Major Drawing - Page 3 (of 4)

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Development of a Major Drawing - page 3


After finishing the major drawing shown on the previous page, and spending some time reflecting on it over a few months, I suspected that it could be (and should be) improved.

Comparing the finished drawing to the original biro-drawing prototype of the scene (once again) indicated that I could get a stronger account of the space and valley structure.

Having worked through several more drawings (of other subjects) using the exaggerated aerial perspective colouring, I felt that I could improve on that aspect as well.

The first thing I wanted, was to use a closer spatial structure to the biro prototype drawing. On that drawing, I realised that the point directly below me was situated higher than where the centre of the circle defining the horizon would be. The scene was also straighter than in my first finished drawing. I used a scan of the first major drawing within the computer to play around with changing these aspects.


Image 1: The original scanned image:




Image 2:
The scanned image was manipulated (pulled, stretched and distorted) in Photoshop
into a space closer to the structure indicated in the first biro ptototype:




Image 3:
The scanned image was manipulated using a variety of ways.
The colours were also manipulated in this example to give an indication
of a stronger use of my aerial perspective schema:




Image 4:
The resultant image was ‘squared up’ for copying onto paper for developing
a more accurate layout. I have used noticeable bending in the verticals associated
with the close trees at the bottom, to give the drawing a better sense of movement
(and presence) and help draw the viewer into the scene:

This layout was then copied onto a full sheet of canson paper for developing the final image in pastel and conté.




The second major version, at various stages, starting with the initial layout (note the grid used for transferring the layout):













There’s still a lot of work to be done at this stage, but I’m confident that compared to the first major version of this drawing, this second version will have a better sense of sunlight, a stronger structural depiction, and will be encouraging the viewer more into its space.




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Development of a Major Drawing - Page 3 (of 4)