Welcome to Neil Huggett's Web Gallery


(This web gallery, established in 1997,
is my “Message in a Bottle”,
coming from Adelaide, South Australia.)


This web gallery, best viewed on a computer screen, presents reproductions of some of my best artwork from many years of responding to the amazing natural world we all live in - showing landscapes produced on-site (mainly from South Australia), one Moreton Bay Fig tree project, life drawings, oil paintings, pastels, photography, philosophical writing, travelogues, abstract art, computer (digital) art, and changing monthly displays.

New displays of artwork are shown every month, so please come back regularly.


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About, News, Sales

Monthly Display

Paintings and Drawings 1

Paintings and Drawings 2

One Moreton Bay Fig Tree Project

Photographs, Abstracts, More...





My wife, Marianne Vanderklugt, died on 2nd May 2024

This has naturally been one of the most important events in my life (along with meeting Marianne and developing our relationship together). Her death has changed everything for me.

Marianne was a warm, remarkable and wonderful person, and woman. She was an excellent life partner to me, and her loss has shaken me to the core. We had a very close bond with each other.

She was highly intelligent, highly gifted, and she loved languages. She had amazing skills and understanding with learning and using many languages. She was an inspiring teacher, highly qualified and highly experienced. What a terrible loss!


I believe in:

The importance of appreciation

The beauty and wonder of the “natural world”

Quiet contemplation

Striving for excellence


Analysing the things I experience

Celebrating the marvel of life

The power of life’s “little” things

Setting personal goals and personal meaning in life.


I voted “Yes” in the 14th October 2023 federal referendum to having an Indigenous Voice in the Australian Parliament.
Unfortunately, the “Yes” vote was unsuccessful.

With presenting all of the pieces in this gallery, I've firstly provided an overview image. Typically, I've also provided some detail images, which just show parts of the originals, but at higher magnifications.

All images and writing are MY ORIGINAL work.

You may use any of my images directly from this site, providing due credit is given (that is, you indicate clearly that I am the author of the image(s) used). Otherwise you are in breach of my requirements and copyright laws.

I would appreciate any comments on my artwork, written views, or my website.
Please send any comments to: