Gallery 3 - One Moreton Bay Fig Tree Project

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2. Photograph Series 6 - Duotone Version

Photograph Series 6 - Duotone Version
15000 pixels (w) x 2990 pixels (h), digital photograph.

Throughout this whole project, I have taken some series of photographs intended for showing views that are much wider than that which I can capture with just one photograph.

Sometimes, the intention is to combine the photographs into one image, and sometimes, the intention is to just present an arrangement of the individual photographs in a way that suggests the expansive view.

Computer programs that ’automatically’ combine multiple photographs into one image are called ‘stitching’ programs. For several of the images I recorded, I used a trial version of a stitching program. I have since found that I prefer to just combine the photographs manually, using an image editing program. The result takes a lot longer to produce, but the combining can be highly controlled, and the result is usually much better.

I have found that many of the drawings I’ve done in this project span angles of view that are typically about two to three times that of my wide-angle lens.

This resulting image is a manually combined composition of a series of 9 photographs, spanning about 200°. The photographs were all taken at approximately right angles to the axis of the tripod, minimising spatial displacements.

I am happy with the combined result. It took much, much longer to put together as compared to using an automated stitching program, but this is probably the best result I’ve managed so far with this type of multi-image photograph. It captures a good amount of the exposed buttress roots, and the large boughs above.




Detail 1:

Photograph Series 6 - Duotone Version - Detail 1





Detail 2:

Photograph Series 6 - Duotone Version - Detail 2





Detail 3:

Photograph Series 6 - Duotone Version - Detail 3


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Gallery 3 - One Moreton Bay Fig Tree Project